
SS. Peter and Paul Catholic School recognizes the important role that technology plays in the lives of our students, and is committed to providing our students with essential technology skills. The technology curriculum fosters the development of skills that encourage personal productivity, creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration in the classroom and in daily life. Technology begins in PK and is readily available and accessible for engaged learning in the classrooms. Multiple platforms and devices are utilized to ensure that our students become fluent in many of the devices and software they will encounter in high school and beyond.

  • Technology instruction and integration begins in K with dedicated Technology teachers.
  • Each grade has an age-appropriate technology curriculum based upon ISTE and Diocesan standards.
  • The curriculum encompasses computer basics, the Office Suite, Google Docs, digital citizenship, and advanced computer science principles such as coding and innovative design.
  • Grades 4-8 students have access to 1:1 technology through the use of school issued chromebooks to be used throughout the school day.
  • K through Grade 3 students have access to 1:1 technology through the use of school issued iPads for use throughout the school day..  
  • Students receive technology instruction through a fully equipped computer lab.
  • A CIPA compliant Internet filter is utilized campus wide.
  • The SSPP campus is networked and has WIFI Internet access.
  • All classrooms and labs have teacher computer workstations equipped with ceiling mounted projectors, scanners, and printers. Our faculty utilizes iPads, document cameras, and interactive slates to enhance their learning environment.
  • Current students, click here for more information!
"We need technology in every classroom and in every student and teacher’s hand, because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which we experience much of our world.”

– David Warlick