From the Principal

SS. Peter & Paul School is a dynamic and constantly evolving school marked by academic excellence and a welcoming community in our 90-year Catholic tradition. SSPP provides a caring, nurturing environment, that embodies a curriculum designed to develop your child spiritually, academically, physically, and socially. Our mission is fully witnessed in the vitality and enthusiasm of our student body, and the devoted teachers who care for the whole person.

Take a glimpse inside our school and you will see our students involved in project-based and collaborative learning, rooted in the goals and aims of the 21st-century. You will find them praying together, experiencing a living and breathing spirituality that animates the risen Christ in their lives. You will see them serving together, discovering the world is bigger than “me” each day and that those in need are calling them to serve.

You will witness a teacher-driven school characterized by dedicated and trained educators, guiding their students with a commitment to academic excellence, balanced with compassion and care on a daily basis. You will see our teachers preparing out students to be global-minded citizens who are not only academically fit, but have compassionate minds and gentle hearts.

The faculty of SS. Peter and Paul gives generously of themselves to provide the best quality education for each child. A fundamental requisite for success, success in relation to the child's individual ability, is that he or she has a good self-image. If this self-image has been developed from infancy, formal education will be built on a sturdy foundation, one that will not be easily shattered when academic or social obstacles are encountered.

As a school, we believe we are at our best when our entire community is involved in the learning experience. Education begins in the family; in partnership with the family, the school will help each child develop his or her greatest potential. It is with this spirit, conviction, mission, and vision that SS. Peter and Paul School will continue to grow, advance, and lead Catholic education.    

If you would like more information about SS. Peter & Paul Catholic School, please call the school office between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. at (847) 639-3041 or e-mail Tours can be arranged as well as appointments to learn more about our school.